Member: Jason D. ACCC#: 3 | Residence: Australia |
Model: 1975 KB | Colour: ? |
It is a 1975 KB fitted with a 360
bored 30 thou. A purple
shaft cam from Mopar performance with a lift of 484 thou and 241.4
duration at 50thou heads are "J" series ported and polished
fitted with 2.02 stainless valves
and flow 460hp. Keith Black 10.7 to 1 pistons on fully floating con
rods. A single plain manifold with a 750 double pumper with 79
jets in primaries and 84 in secondaries
4 speed limited slip diff with 3.23 ratio. At
the moment it runs mid 12s at 113 mph down the quater on street tyres
and with the timing set on 0 because it pings on anything above that
on super now its going to be
dynoed. I hope it goes harder when I get it back.